
星期五, 一月 28, 2011

又来杂锦篇 (二)





最近也比较会吃零食了。。。正是papa mama之过,想当初零食是买来给papa mama解嘴馋的,可是给萱萱看到了,又怎能阻止她不吃呢?所以,大人吃的rice cracker当然就赢了Baby Bites精纯米饼。。。Mamee零食也是萱萱的最爱,虽然没有加那小包调味料,也深怕萱萱吃了会喉咙痛什么的。。。不过比较安慰一点的就是,萱萱无论吃什么都爱喝水。。。



奶粉吗?之前是有混合Pediasure进Anmum Step 3里给她喝,可是时间上也不吻合。。。最近停止了,也不见得有起色。。。



2 条评论:

JeSS 说...

my daugther also has as so called skin problem. we brought her to see many pediatric but they said is a kind of baby skin prob and only gave some moisturizer.

the problem became more serious after our sabah trip and we see a skin specialist and only found out that actually this is a genetically inheritance. if there is a close family member has asthma, then he/she will pass this gene to next generation. my MIL has asthma and according to the doc, she is possible to pass this gene to my baby, her granddaugther...

maybe u can do more research about the genetic inheritance. but am sure this is not a big deal.

CarmenNg 说...

i hope so but actually i havent posted one thing about the change in Sueann's skin problem too. it suddenly become itchy reddish rashes last Mon... after consulting doc, i applied on her skin one kind of cream containing steroid, fed her one kind of liquid medicine & bath her special body shampoo for super sensitive skin, the red rashes disappear over the night... scare me a lot you know, especially this happened when her dad was not around. i will post about this next time... but anyway, i will try to ask wilson about the genetic inheritance thing...


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